Early Bird Crit#2 2010

posted in: Criterium, Race report | 0

Well I had a few goals for this training race. Number one being have fun which I accomplished. Found myself grinning like a fool most of the race. I also wanted to move around the pack, put myself in places that weren’t so comfortable and spend some time on the front. Pulled in about 2:30 or so.
Just in time to watch the Team Specialized training ride err I mean P123 race to roll out.

Got my number and did a 25 minute warm up on the trainer. Pack looked a little bigger this week maybe 50 people. Start was mellow settled in towards the front. I would move up to the top 5 or so then drift back to mid pack. Kept repeating this during the race. I tried to capitalize on any hole I could find. Some were big enough to drive a 73 Cadillac through others more like a seam between riders. Really good practice. Got in a few small breaks and spent a good part of the race up front.

Felt pretty good physically all race. Did hill repeats on Saturday so legs were a little cranky at first but woke up after 10 minutes or so. Last lap I eased off the gas and let the pack pull me around. At turn 4 Tim Bisson rolls past on my right so I jumped on his wheel and let him tow me to the finish. I was a little bummed at the end. I could have used another 5 or 10 laps out there. Thanks go out to Bas, Stacy, Eric, Mike, Bryan, Thomas, Alex and Tony. It was great having everyone out there in turn one cheering.
