TNT – November 17th plan

Thursday Night Training Plans for November 17th – 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Lights required. Perfect paceline warm-up starting at 6:30pm. As the speed picks up over six laps two groups may form. By speed picking up I’m talking about starting at 15mph and trying to pick it up by two miles every lap (17, 19, 21, 23, 25). Three quarters lap cool down (gather together) followed by two “technique sprints” (goal – perfect form). Cooldown to corner four and then the main event begins… repeatable hard efforts from corner four to corner three with rest (and gathering up) from corner three and four.

Why? this is the “off-season” so these efforts are designed so that you work with some rest. The shorter the rest in the off-season the slower you should go on the effort and the more fitness you will gain from the minimal rest.

Group cooldown to follow. See you there, Larry