Early Bird Crit #5 (Cat-5) – 2.12.2012

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This past Sunday, was actually thinking of doing a group ride up Mines Road.  Missed that ride so had no choice but to show up for the Early Bird Crit #5.  Was somewhat apprehensive doing a “real” crit, particularly based upon recent accidents claimed by both Penny and Brandon.  Arrived at this race with enough time to get set-up and warm-up.  Roy really helped me with properly warming-up for this race.  Contrasting, at last week’s Knights Ferry RR I arrived a little late, did one quick warm-up spin and then went to the line.  Ended up paying quite a price on that day since I severely cramped about half way through that race. 

Almost immediately after the start, it was a pleasant surprise to hear Tony yelling out my name in the crowd.  Was a comforting feeling to have both Tony and Roy in the race with me, on my very first crit.  With exception of the last few laps, the race seemed quite calm, actually pretty relaxing.  I was mainly at or near the back since the group tended to neutralize at some point during each lap. 

As the race neared its end, I kept thinking about when I needed to move up and get myself in a proper position to finish.  I made a rookie, mental mistake by not keeping track of the last lap.  I thought the lap prior was the last lap and started putting additional effort to move up to the front, realizing when I got to the front everyone seemed too calm.  Oops.  I then had to mentally and physically regroup for the “real” last lap.  I backed off for the first half of the last lap and then started to gradually move up to get a clearer line for the finish.  As I approached the final turn, I heard Tony yelling to me to keep taking the inside line.  Glad I did since I was completely protected by any cross winds.  The sight in front of my exit out of the final turn was a mass of chaos.  I seemed to be making ok progress with my sprint but…unfortunately… started running on empty before the finish line.  (Lesson – I need to attend more Thursday night T’n’T trainings)

As Roy and I were chatting during our warm-up, we talked about what’s important to each of us from this experience.  I said to have fun, to be safe and lastly, to do well.  Roy wisely corrected me in that the order should be safety first, to have fun, and lastly, to do well.  I am grateful to Roy for helping me to properly warm up and to be such a calming effect before such an adrenaline intensive activity.  I am also really grateful to Tony to not only be there with both Roy and I but also to give me great advice during the race. 

Overall a very pleasant experience since everyone came home safe, and had lots of fun riding with my teammates Roy and Tony.  And oh, least importantly, I placed 13th in this event.