Thursday August 12 plans

Hello team – a critical component to sprinting (and cycling fitness in general) is to understand your weaknesses and to play to your strengths. I’m a big fan of field testing, especially for those that do not train with power so here’s the plan for tonight:
– thorough group paceline warm-up until 6:45pm, which is to say that you may be leading the group or you may be sucking wheel so that you are prepared for…
– one lap field test (for time, in 10 second intervals)
– 5 minutes recovery – roll around as you wish or get yourself ready for…
– one lap field test (for time, in 10 second intervals)
– 10 minutes recovery – roll around as you wish or get yourself ready for…
– one lap field test (for time, in 10 second intervals)
– recovery
– sprints as we have time, energy and motivation

The intent with this drill is to find what your one lappers do to you. Are you falling apart on number 3? are you recovering between number 1 and 2? how does the 10 minute recovery affect you? are you changing your pacing? and, so much more!

See you there tonight! Larry