posted in: Race report | 1

Well, the race started off fine.  I got into a nice low gear so I was able to accelerate quickly and quickly clipped in.  I was quickly in the very front of the group setting the pace.  The first mile was pretty slow but after that the pace started to go a little.  I was mostly on the front except in a few of the climbs.  Early in the race one of the Tienii Duro guys tried attacking.  I believe it was Allistar, from Team Specialized, whoever got fifth, and I caught up to him and started a break away, which lasted about 30 seconds.  There were repeated attacks on the climbs and a few small ones on the flats.  Right around the 11 mile mark there is a long, relatively  steep climb.  Here Team Specialized shot off.  I was too tired to chase so I got together with a SJBC and some other kid in a flame jersey and we worked together.  The flame guy and I quickly dropped the SJBC rider and at the turnaround caught the Tienii Durro rider who had attacked earlier.  I was still tired and they shot off.  Only about two miles on out on the way back I see and pass the Tienni Durro guy and quickly catch the flame guy.  We work together when out of nowhere the SJBC rider joins us.  We work together and are soon caught by a Women’s Field.  We got mixed up in their field and the women told us to get out.  In the last couple of miles the SJBC rider and ?I took off on a climb dropping the flame guy.  I couldn’t stay with him because he caught the women’s field and I was stuck out by myself.  Overall, hardest race I’ve ever done.  Looking forward to doing it next year.


  1. larry_nolan

    nice going Alec… nice report too. It’s important to learn from every race and it sounds like this one was full of lessons! Larry