Notso Early Bird Criterium

posted in: Criterium, Events, Race report | 1

I arrived early and saw several team mates, conditions looked good – warm, sunny and dry. Ken and I headed out for a warm-up ride and a few practice sprints. By the time the race started the wind had picked up. The pace was slower than at the same race 2 weeks ago, for the first few laps I stayed in the middle of the pack to try and get some protection from the wind. On the last lap I got boxed in on corner 3 (not sure why Cat 5’s like to ride 12 riders wide), and right after the corner there was an all out frenzy to get to the front. The sprint started really early and by corner 4 I was too far back to get up to the front. I’m pretty sure I finished higher than the official placing (29th) as there were at least 5-6 riders behind me. Not complaining though, happy to finish with all my skin. Next stop: Warnerville.